Monday, August 16, 2010

The last day in New Zealand

Time flies... I can't believe this day come.
Its my last day sitting in the backpacker, seeing the sky tower at night. Sky tower in Auckland just look like KL tower, but quite nice at night, purple colour lighting (is that purple colour or blue colour?)
9 months in New Zealand, i stayed until my visa expired, i gotta leave New Zealand, leave this lovely country, leave this cold place, fresh air, clean water. What is my feeling now?
It just like i'm leaving my second home country again. Yupe, i already treat this as my second home as i had get used to the weather, or perhaps i know here more than my home country.
Guess you might wonder why i write in English.... I tell you what is my experience on my last day....
I went to a chocolate shop, bought some NZ home made chocolate, (its yummy!!!) the cashier is vietnamese chinese, she spoke mandarin to me, so of course i replied her with mandarin, but you know what? I spoke twice, and finally i translated in English, then its damn funny she teach me how to speak mandarin. Oh! Shit! The Fxxx letter word came out in my heart (of course not my mouth, i'm a polite girl) Never in my life people complain about my mandarin, i'm a chinese student reporter during high school, i been to china, they thought i'm a local people, but now a vietnamese chinese complaint my mandarin!!! No way to argue with her, so i just replied okay, okay thank you with a big smile (i'm a polite girl huh)
I wrote my blog with mandarin at all the time, i swear i dont think my mandarin is poor, or maybe because i learn a lot of Fxxx letter word in NZ. XDDDD Yupe, I admitted that, thats true, if you hear i say Fxxx, please dont surprise or shock.
The last day walking in the downtown, 2 pairs of Indian couple asked me for the road direction. I'm wondering did i look like local people, of course i'm able to give them a guide even i'm just stayed in Auckland for 17 days.
Okay, talk back about what i done today. Well, as usual, walking, dreaming, seeing people, hanging around. Thinking the business opportunity here, there are always a lot of opportunity here, buy a property, cost about $300k~$400k, renovate then invest as backpacker lodge, its should be a great idea. Then, link it to the car rental, tour activities, backpacker secondhand car market, wow....there are a lot of business opportunity here, and again $$$$ started appear in my brain....
Sounds great huh, if you have enough $$$ and dunno what to do, let me run this business for you, its my pleasure and i'm willing to do that!!! I'm try to figure it out what is the best return if you willing to do ya. XDDD
Anyway, i will come again NZ if i want (of course i will as i didn't close my account here, interest rate in NZ quite high)
So, what is my next? Hmmm..... of course i will visit Australia, then i found some cheap flight to ... i know if i really do that my mum will kill me, i can imagine how she say.... but i really want to, my travel bug bite me, keep on bite me....
I dont know whether i can do that, but nothing is impossible right? I'm trying .... my journey wont end, to be continued...
Wrote at 10.16pm Last day in Lantana Lodge, 60 St George Bay Road, Parnell, Auckland NZ
P/S : First time write in English

Wednesday, August 11, 2010




在南岛待了近8个月,一直喊冷,到了北岛竟然觉得有点热。走在那广场里,好像似曾相识的感觉,有点像大马的谷中城。看着那些在广场里吃东西的人群,唤起之前的回忆,哦!这不是马来西亚吗?这应该是马来西亚,只是人的脸孔换成了老外而已。 在熙来攘往的人群堆里走着,真得有点恐怖!原来我已经离开城市的生活很久了,在小镇待久了,到了城市看到那么多的人,那么多的车,那么多的高速公路,竟然觉得有点头疼!纽西兰现在对我来说已没有新鲜感了,看的东西好像都一样,一样的人,一样的语言,一样的生活习惯,一样的笑容,一样的路,一样的房子,一样的风景,反正都一样了。待在南岛那么久是明智之举,还有些地方还没走过,就让它成为下一次的期待吧!

